Moderator: João Apóstolo, Professor. Director of the PCEBP. ESEnfC, Portugal.
Speaker: Edoardo Aromataris, Director of Synthesis Science Division at the Joanna Briggs Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia.
Moderator: Ana Paula Macedo, Professor. Coordinator of the UICISA: E/UM-ESE Cluster. Nursing School of the University of Minho, Portugal.
Advanced Search - Daniela Cardoso, Researcher at UICISA: E, ESEnfC, Portugal replacing Ana Maria Eva Miguéis, Librarian. Coordinator of SIBUC – Serviço Integrado das Bibliotecas da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
Systematic Review of effectiveness - Eduardo Santos, Nurse. Researcher at UICISA: E, ESEnfC, Portugal.
Umbrella Systematic Review - Elzbieta Bobrowicz-Campos, Researcher at the Centre of 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) of Coimbra University, Portugal.
Scoping Review - Adriana Coelho, Professor. Researcher at UICISA: E, ESEnfC, Portugal.
COVID-19 Recommendations and Gateway to Contextualization - Miloslav Klugar, Professor. Director of the Czech Republic (Middle European) Centre for Evidence-Based Healthcare: A Joanna Briggs Institute Centre of Excellence, Czech Republic.
Moderator: Mara Rocha, Professor. Coordinator of the UICISA: E/IPVCESS Cluster. Portugal.
Evidence implementation: the Key Challenge - Kylie Porritt, Senior Research Fellow. Program Manager: Implementation Science.
Implementing evidence in the local and global context - Judith Carrier, Professor. Director of the Wales Centre for Evidence Based Care: A Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Centre of Excellence. Wales - UK.
Evaluation of evidence and its benefits - António Amaral, Professor. Researcher at UICISA: E, ESEnfC, Portugal.
Self-management plan of chronic disease among inpatients admitted to a Portuguese Endocrinology Unit: a best practice implementation project - António Marques, Nurse Supervisor. Researcher at UICISA: E/CHUC Cluster, Portugal.