António Amaral | President of the Nursing School of Coimbra
João Apóstolo | Nursing School of Coimbra
Carina Dantas | SHINE 2Europe, Chair NET4Age-Friendly
Willeke van Staalduinen | AFEdemy, Vice-Chair NET4Age-Friendly
Rafael Bernardes | Nursing School of Coimbra
Antonia Caro | i2Cat, INTEGER project
Elísio Costa | Porto4Ageing, Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra
Charalampos Vassiliou | GRNET, European Digital Innovation Hubs
Moderator: Silvia Urra | Tecnalia
Roger van Boxtel | Chair Supervisory Board KPMG, Former CEO Dutch Railways, Former Minister of Cities and Integration
Willeke van Staalduinen | HoS project, AFEdemy
Maria Sanchez | DESIRE project, CETEM
Luísa Filipe | Nursing School of Coimbra, 4nopressure - Pijama Inteligente
Liliana Sousa | Nursing School of Coimbra, Science DiabetICC Footwear
Mónica Pimentel | Nursing School of Coimbra, Ablefit – Advanced system of physical rehabilitation
Milko Zanini | University of Genova - Effects of technology applied to food in improving the quality of life of older patients with dysphagia - virtual presentation
Zoltan Alexin | University of Szeged, RTLS project (real-time location service)
Moderator: Javier Ganzarain | AFEdemy
Maria van Zeller | INESC-TEC, TRIO project
Ana Gama | NOVA University of Lisbon, COPE project - virtual presentation
Elisabete Pitarma | Cáritas Coimbra, Pharaon project – virtual presentation
Raul Castaño Rosa | Tampereen korkeakoulusäätiö sr, GreenerAge project – virtual presentation
Jesper Schulze | Institut für Soziale Infrastruktur gGmbH (ISIS), SAA and SDD projects – virtual presentation
Moderator: Nick Guldemond | Leiden University