11:00 - 13:00
Rehabilitation Nursing Minimum Data Set (RNMDS): contribution of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit (SMFR) of the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre (CHUC/HUC)   -   Sala 5

Nurses have always been concerned with associating the provision of care to evidence in order to produce quality indicators. However, we are still unable to produce systemized information.
We need to identify the major population rehabilitation nursing needs; the responses provided by rehabilitation nurses to the population; and the core nursing-sensitive patient outcomes in rehabilitation nursing and how much they cost to people and society. These and other issues will be easier to identify if we are able to reach a consensus regarding a RNMDS.
Our proposal results from the discussion of the nursing team of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit (SMFR) of the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre (CHUC/HUC) and experts’ contributions. It aims to get contributions to improve it.

- To understand the RNMDS developed;
- To analyse the proposal focused on rehabilitation nurses’ area of intervention (bodily and adaptive processes associated to transitions);;
- To identify aspects to be included.

- RNMDS: definition, requirements and aims;
- Methodology used;
- Proposal of the minimum data set;
- Discussion and analysis of the RNMDS;
- Conclusions.

- Nursing team of the SMFR-CHUC/HUC (Carlos Margato, Alice Teodoro, Natália Ramos, Luís Mendes, Maria João Reis and Octávio Ferreira)
- Invited experts: Manuel Mariz (Professor - ESEnfC) / Fernando Petronilho (PhD Professor - ESEnf Un. Minho)

Target group:
- Clinical nurse specialists in rehabilitation nursing and students of the CPLEER

Number of participants:
- 25

16:00 - 18:00
Neuromuscular Bandages   -   Sala 5

- Principles; indications; contraindications and practical application of neuromuscular bandages in clinical settings for nurses

- 2 Hours

Information about the trainer:
- Humberto Angélico - Licenciado em Enfermagem, Pós-graduado em Reabilitação no Desporto - CHUC

- Pedro Henriques - Clinical Nurse Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing - CHUC

Number of participants:
- 25

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