Proyectos financiados


Science DiabetICC Footwear - Development of Innovative therapeutic footwear for diabetic feet  (2019-2022)

DigiCare - Educating students for digitalized health care and coaching of their patients (2019-2021)

OCT- Observatory for Territorial Cohesion: (2018-2020)

InovSafeCare - Educating students for innovative infection prevention and control practices in healthcare settings (2018-2021)

DeMoPhaC - Development of a model for nurses' role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care - PC (2018-2021)

EISIN - Building the implementation workforce for health and social care (2018-2021)

CPU - Care of Pressure and Venous Ulcers in Simulation Environment (2018-2021)

Gulbenkian academies of Knowledge - Healthy children 2021 (2018-2021)

SimuCarePro-CRM - La simulation en santé et la gestion des ressources de crise pour augmenter l’efficacité des équipes pluridisciplinaires en formation initiale (2018-2020)

ARSim2care - Aplication of augmented reality in clinical simulation (2017-2020)

DigiNurse - Learning ICT Supported Nursing for Self-Management of Patients (2017-2020)

PARENT - Promotion, Awareness Raising and Engagement of men in Nurture Transformations (2018-2020)

Municipal plan for the integration of migrants - 198 (2017-2019)

ModulEn - Salud circadiana, actividad física y patrón de hábitos alimenticios como variables predictoras de fragilidad: datos de la población portuguesa (2018-2019)

CPEPibérico - Coping e Psicopatologia em Estudantes e Profissionais de Saúde: Perspetiva Ibérica (2017-2019)

SERINGA DUO - Dispositivo inovador para a administração endovenosa (2016-2019)

EPOPS - Empowering parents organizations to prevent substance use (2017-2019)

Medelderly - Polimedicação do Idoso (2017-2019)

TecPrevInf - Transfer of technological innovations to nursing practice: A contribution to the prevention of infections (2017-2019)

MAISaúdeMental - Monitorização e Avaliação dos Indicadores de Saúde Mental das crianças e adolescentes: da investigação à prática (2017-2019)

Mind&Gait - Promoting independent living in frail older adults by improving cognition and gait ability and using assistive products (2017-2019)

InterComuniCaRe - Doença mental: Intervenção comunitária no caminho do recovery (2017-2019)

PSI WELL – Building Bridges – Promoting Social inclusion and Wellbeing for families of children with special needs - SN (2016-2019)

EATMOT - Motivações psico-sociais associadas às escolhas e práticas alimentares (2017-2018)

Your PEL - Promover e Empoderar para a Literacia em saúde na população jovem (2017-2018)

AgeNortC - Envelhecimento, Participação Social e Prevenção precoce da dependência: Capacitar para a 4ª idade (2017-2018)

SafeCare - Clinical Supervision for Safety and Quality of Care (2017-2018)

CARE4VALUE - Enhacing Value Creating in Long-term care units integrated in Private Welfare Institutions (2017-2018)

SimuCarePro – La simulation en santé pour développer un partenariat entre  apprenants et professionnels dans la formation médicale et paramédicale (2015-2018)

FOCUS - Frailty management Optimization through EIP AHA Commitments and Utilization of Stakeholders input (2015-2018)

PIN - Poli Entrepreneurship Innovation Network (2016-2018)

esqueSIDA - Estigma na Pessoa Esque…SIDA (2017-2018)

ECOG - Assessment of cognitive ability in the elderly: intervention and empowerment for self-care (2016-2018)

LEE - Línguas estrangeiras e empregabilidade (2017-2018)

Sucesso Académico no Ensino Superior: Competências Emocionais e prevenção do abandono (2017-2018)

SuperES - Supervisão e Mentorado no Ensino Superior: Dinâmicas de Sucesso (2017-2018)

Municipal plan for the integration of migrants - 079 (2017)

Competências emocionais para a promoção do sucesso escolar: programa de intervenção sistémica (2015-2017)

Prevalência da Amamentação. Motivação, dificuldades e a ajuda dos enfermeiros (2017)

Active retirement: study of a healthy ageing promoter program (2013-2015)

Preventing alcohol consumption in school-aged children/adolescents: Improving knowledge towards effective prevention (2012-2015)

The oldest old: Coimbra aging study (2011-2014)

Pain experiences in children with cancer: location, intensity, quality, and impact (2011-2014)

Nursing outcomes: quality and effectiveness (2011-2014)

FelizMente - Mental Health Education and Sensibilization: a school-based intervention program for adolescents and young (2011-2014)

DPOC – Respire Qualidade de Vida (2013-2014)

Metric properties of facial scales for measurement of pain intensity in children: a comparative study with functional measurement (2010-2013)

FIPAIF - Formação inicial de profissionais de ajuda e identidades dos formadores: um estudo sobre o ensino e a enfermagem (2011-2013)