NOVOS Webinars Gratuitos | Covid-19


Dia 18 de maio

SARS‐CoV‐2, the virus that causes COVID‐19, is challenging health systems around the world. 

Johns Hopkins is running a free course with Future Learn Effective Nursing in Times of Crisis -

The course covers the following learning outcomes:

  • Identify key characteristics of COVID-19 and their effect on vulnerable populations
  • Evaluate approaches to strengthening health systems    
  • Reflect on the impact of public health crises in your context        
  • Describe the characteristics of effective healthcare interventions             
  • Discuss the applications of data analytics in decision-making      
  • Apply ethical frameworks to clinical practice in complex situations             
  • Reflect on the role of leadership in responding to public health crises



We are pleased to announce three new courses which have recently become available on OpenWHO:

* Flutool Plus - using the WHO Seasonal Influenza Immunisation Costing Tool [2]: The aim of this course is to promote the dissemination and use of Flutool Plus, the WHO tool designed to help lower- and middle-income countries in the process of costing of Seasonal Influenza Immunisation Programs.

* Standard precautions: Hand hygiene [3]: This course has been prepared to help summarize the WHO guidelines on hand hygiene, associated tools and ideas for effective implementation.

* Drug-resistant tuberculosis: how to interpret rapid molecular test results [4]: This training toolkit by the European Laboratory Initiative for TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis provides a unique combination of practical guidance and expert advice on the interpretation of selected WHO-endorsed tests for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB).

New certificates available

Participants can now gain a Record of Achievement if they score 80% or higher on the assessments in the following courses:

* ePROTECT Arabic [5], Chinese [6], English [7], French [8], Indonesian [9] and Portuguese [10]. _Russian and Spanish to follow.

* Introduction to COVID-19 and emerging respiratory viruses in Arabic [11], Chinese [12], English [13], French [14], Portuguese [15] and Russian [16]. More languages to follow.

Complete list of COVID-19 learning resources

In summary, OpenWHO currently offers courses covering the following topics and languages to support the response to COVID-19:

* A general introduction to emerging respiratory viruses, including novel coronaviruses (available in Arabic [11], Bengali [17], Chinese [12], English [13], French [14], Russian [16], Spanish [18], Hindi [19], Hungarian [20], Indian Sign Language [21], Indonesian [22], Macedonian [23], Persian [24], Portuguese [15], Serbian [25], Turkish [26], Vietnamese [27] and Urdu [28]);

* Clinical care SARI (available in English [29], French [30], Russian [31], Spanish [32], Indonesian [33], Portuguese [34] and Vietnamese [35]);

* Health and safety briefing for respiratory diseases – ePROTECT (available in Arabic [5], Chinese [6], English [7], French [8], Russian [36], Spanish [37], Indonesian [9] and Portuguese [10]);

* IPC for COVID-19 (available in Chinese [38], English [39], French [40], Russian [41], Spanish [42], Indonesian [43], Italian [44], Japanese [45], Macedonian [46], Polish [47], Portuguese [48], Serbian [49] and Turkish [50]);

* COVID-19 operational planning guidelines and partners platform to support country preparedness and response (available in Arabic [51], Chinese [52], English [53], French [54], Indonesian [55], Russian [56] and Portuguese [57]);

* SARI treatment facility design (available in Arabic [58], English [59], Italian [60], Portuguese [61] and Russian [62]);

* An introduction to Go.Data (available in English [63] and coming soon in additional languages);

* How to put on and remove PPE for COVID-19 (available in English [64] and coming soon in additional languages); and

* Standard precautions for hand hygiene (available in English [3] and coming soon in additional languages).

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