Masters in Nursing

The Master’s Degree in Nursing is governed by Order no. 8487/2017, of 27 September.


General objectives of the study cycle:

-To qualify nurses for nursing practice in the areas of Healthcare Unit Management and Clinical Supervision;
-To understand the methodological complexity of the several research processes and the critical analysis of research results;
-To acquire advanced methodological tools to support treatment and analysis of  qualitative and quantitative data;
-To build an informed, critical and creative view of the disciplinary and professional development process of nursing sciences;
-To create an interface with clinical research in nursing and conceptual research for disciplinary and professional development;
-To critically reflect on the policies, as well as on the design and organisation of health services and systems;
-To understand the training process in clinical practice, as well as the peer and student supervision in initial training.

Profile of competencies to be developed

By the end of this course, nurses should be able:

-to make decisions on care provision and management;
-to design healthcare projects;
-to get involved in the disciplinary and professional development of nursing;
-to adopt a research approach as strategy;
-to play an active role in the implementation of organizational change processes;
-to manage resources and knowledge;
-to manage care, optimizing the response of the nursing team and its collaborators, and the coordination of the multiprofessional team;
-to adapt and lead the management of resources to situations and contexts, aiming at the highest quality of healthcare;
-to coordinate activities and health care;
-to use the information systems, specifically the health information systems;
-to develop and get involved in initial and updating programmes for nurses, namely for the development of skills in clinical settings.

Degree Organization:

The Master’s Degree in Nursing is organized and managed by the Scientific- Pedagogical Unit of Fundamental Nursing of the Nursing School of Coimbra. To maximize its quality and relevance, this programme has the participation of teachers from other scientific-pedagogical units, nurses and other professionals as invited lecturers.

This programme has 90 ECTS and is organized in three semesters (a year and a half), combining theory (with theoretical classes, theoretical-practical classes and seminars), internships and research. In the third semester, students are expected to develop their thesis OR Project OR Internship with Final Report.

Course Units Scientific Area Type Total hours T Hours TP Hours LP Hours S Hours CP/TG Hours TG Hours ECTS

T - Theoretical Classes; TP - Theoretical-Practical Classes; PL - Practical and Laboratorial Classes;
S - Seminar; CP/FW - Clinical Practice/Fieldwork; TG - Tutorial Guidance

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1st Semester

2nd Semester

3rd Semester

4th Semester