Student Ombudsperson


Ph.D. Professor Manuel Carlos Rodrigues Fernandes Chaves


In accordance with Article 64 (2) of Subsection VII of the Statutes of the Nursing School of Coimbra, made public by Normative Order 20/2006 of Diário da República (Official Portuguese Journal) no. 55 I Series-B of 17th March 2006, the Student Ombudsperson is responsible for:

  1. Analysing complaints and claims from students, and if it considers that they are justified, to make the relevant recommendations to the bodies responsible for dealing with them;
  2. Making general recommendations with a view to safeguarding the interests of students, particularly in the field of pedagogical activity and school social action;
  3. Promoting activities to check the efficiency of student services.

The Ombudsperson is responsible for defending students’ interests and should be informed about the problems related to the School’s pedagogical activity and social services that are not solved by the competent bodies.

The Ombudsperson will ensure that all cases are carefully and objectively analyzed and solved. All efforts will be made to respect students’ rights and ensure that their contact with the different ESEnfC bodies is fair and legal.



The complaints must include the student’s full identification (name, student number, email address and/or address and/or telephone number), as well as an objective description of the facts, while giving the necessary information. Witnesses may be called.

You can contact the student ombudsperson:

  • Email -
  • Phone -  91 911 82 82
  • Ask for the telephone number at the Reception of Campus A, B or C.
  • Letter or email sent to ESEnfC or handed in the reception of campus A or B and addressed to the Student Ombudsperson.

The Ombudsperson is available to meet with students in office 8 (Campus B) or at another location agreed to by the student and the ombudsman, by prior appointment.



The Regulation of the Student Ombudsperson of the Nursing School of Coimbra is published in Diário da República, 2nd series— No. 242 — 14 December 2012, Part E, page 39855 to 39857.


At the end of 2012, the Nursing School of Coimbra created the Social Support Fund to support students enrolled and registered at ESEnfC in undergraduate, postgraduate, short-term, and master's degree courses.

The Social Support Fund does not exclude any other support obtained from the State or other entities and organisms and aims to

a) To share the expenses of students with manifest and proven economic difficulties.

b) To help in situations of proven emergency, understood as situations of serious risk to the survival of a student who does not have, or no longer has, the means to provide for their basic needs of accommodation, health, and food.

To apply for this fund, please contact the ESEnfC Social Assistant or the ESEnfC Student Ombudsperson.

 See Regulation on ESEnfC Social Support Fund.

ESEnfC is a Solidary Fund partner

The Solidarity Fund - a project of the Justice and Peace University Institute, within the scope of the Pastoral Care of Higher Education - aims to support higher education students with economic difficulties in pursuing their studies in partnership with various entities in the city of Coimbra. It advocates for equal opportunities in attending higher education, raising awareness in the academic community and the general population about this problem to promote academic success and fight early school dropouts.

How to contribute to the projectSupport the Project
How to request support: Request help to the Next Solidary Fun

Phone:   +351 910 233 333