- Seminário "Translação da ciência com envolvimento do cidadão" (7 de fevereiro de 2018)
- Seminário internacional de inverno de investigação em suicidologia (23 de fevereiro de 2018)
- 3rd International Congress on Rehabilitation Nursing (march, 21-23, 2018)
- 10º Aniversário do Projeto (O)Usar & Ser Laço Branco - Simpósio Violência no namoro: da prevenção à promoção de relações de intimidade saudáveis (6 de dezembro de 2017)
- III Simpósio Internacional da ANHE e I Simpósio de História de Enfermagem da ESEnfC "Enfermagem Ibero-Americana no Séc XIX (1801-1900)" (09 e 10 de novembro de 2017)
- 8º Colóquio - Envelhecimento, Saúde e Cidadania (27 de outubro de 2017)
- II Congresso Internacional Desafios da Qualidade em Instituições de Ensino: novos referenciais para a avaliação das organizações educativas (19 e 20 de outubro de 2017)
- 10 anos do projeto Antes que te queimes (9 e 10 de outubro de 2017)
- Workshop: Neurobiologia das adições (3 de outubro de 2017)
- II Encontro Humanitude e III Conferência Internacional Cuidar com Humanitude (26 e 27 de setembro de 2017)
- VI Encontro + Contigo (20 de setembro de 2017)
- Curso de Suporte Avançado de Vida no Adulto (27 e 28 de julho de 2017)
- The first International Congress on Child Health and Pediatric Nursing – Research, Knowledge, and Clinical Practice (8-10 June 2017)
- 10 Km for Mental Health (20-21 May 2017)
- IX Meeting of the International Day of Families (15 May 2017)
- 3rd Forum of the International Day of the Midwife - "Midwives, Mothers, and Families: Partners for Life!" (5 May 2017)
- Cross-Cultural Nursing Seminar 2017 - Cultural Awareness in Nursing (19-21 Abril 2017)
- 14th Edition of the PIN - PoliEntreprenuership Innovation Network Competition – 2017 – Regional Competition and Workshops (6 April-29 June 2017)
- 3rd International Course of Participatory Action-Research in Health (5 April - 7 December 2017)
- Seminar on Medical-Surgical Nursing 2017 (30-31 March 2017)
- 10th Entrepreneurship Forum - 10 Years of Entrepreneurship in ESEnfC (15 March 2017)
- 2017 SPSim Congress - “Simulation and humanization of healthcare” (22-24 February 2017)
- 5th International Congress on Wounds (1-3 February 2017)
- 7th Colloquium – Ageing, Health and Citizenship (October 28, 2016)
- International Congress on Quality Challenges in Education Institutions (October 19, 20 - 21 2016)
- 5th Congress on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-speaking Countries (june 6, 7-8, 2016)
- 2nd International Congress on Rehabilitation Nursing (march 10-12, 2016)
- 4th Congress on Wounds (february 4-5, 2016)
- 6th Colloquium – Ageing, Health and Citizenship (october 28, 2015)
- 2nd International Congress on Multiple Sclerosis Nursing (September 25-26, 2015)
- 3rd International Congress on Medical-Surgical Nursing (June 4-5, 2015)
- Congress Reativa - REforma ATIVA: study of a healthy ageing promotor program (May 15th, 2015)
- International Congress of Family and Community Health (May 14-15, 2015)
- Workshop Participatory Research Action in Health (February 9-12, 2015)
- 3rd International Congress on Wounds (February 5-6, 2015)
- Colloquium “Stigma: (in)difference and social (un) desirability" (December 10th, 2014)
- Meeting with the group of Trainers from the Haukeland University Hospital of Hels Bergen (October 29th –November 1st, 2014)
- 5th Colloquium on Ageing, Health and Citizenship (October 27th, 2014)
- 3rd Meeting + Contigo (October 1st, 2014)
- International Symposium - Quality and Effectiveness of Nursing Care (23rd July 2014)
- 10th Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres and 4th Research Congress of the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (21st to 25th July 2014)
- International Seminar – The Very Old: Study on Ageing in Coimbra (June 27th, 2014)
- 6th Meeting of the International Day of Families (May 15th, 2014)
- International Nurses Day “Person-Centered Practice: filling in the gap between rethoric and reality” - Videoconference - Professor Brendan McCormack (May 14th, 2014)
- 1st Conference on Humanitude (April 24th, 2014)
- Transcultural Week (7th to 11st apryl 2014)
- 7th Entrepreneurship Forum (3th apryl 2014)
- International Congress of Rehabilitation Nursing (27th to 29th March 2014)
- 1st International Congress on Mental Health Literacy (27th and 28th February 2014)
- 4th Coloquium on Ageing, Health and Citizenship (28th October 2013)
- International Conference on Gender(s) and Health: (In)Determinations and Approaches (17th to 19th October 2013)
- Symposium on "Advances in the Care of People with Multiple Sclerosis" (September 21st, 2013)
- 2nd Meeting on Child Health and Pediatric Nursing - Research, Knowledge and Clinical Practice (26th to 27th June 2013)
- Meeting on "Experiences of pain in children with cancer" (25th June 2013)
- 2nd International Meeting on "Wounds: A problem in the current context" (30th and 31st May 2013)
- 5th Meeting of the International Day of Families (15th May 2013)
- PEER: V Summer School (3rd May 2013)
- Transcultural Week (22nd to 24th April 2013)
- Second European Meeting of the Joanna Briggs Institute Collaboration (Members only) and Second Annual Symposium and European Region of the Joanna Briggs Institute Collaboration (Public Event) (15th and 16th April 2013)
- 6th Entrepreneurship Forum (part of the celebrations of the School's Official Day) (18th March 2013)
- "N(amor)o (Im)Perfeito: See, Think, Act" (6th December 2012)
- International Week of Alcohol Abuse Prevention (3rd to 7th December 2012)
- Meeting on "Pain expression and assessment" (5th November 2012)
- 3rd Colloquium on Ageing, Health and Citizenship (26th October 2012)
- Conference: "Controversies in Breastfeeding" (1st October 2012)
- 3rd Conference on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-Speaking Countries (12th to 15th June 2012)
- PEER IV - Peer Education Summer School (7th to 12th May, 2012)
- Meeting on Medical-Surgical Nursing (26th to 28th April 2012)
- Congress of Rehabilitation Nursing (23rd and 24th March 2012)
- 5th ESEnfC Entrepreneurship Forum (16th March 2012)
- 1st International Meeting of Mental Health Nursing (29th February to 2nd March 2012)
- Meeting on "Wounds: A problem in the current context" (15th to 17th February 2012)
- VI Meeting of the ESEnfC Student Association - "(Sobre)Vivências" (9th and 10th February 2012)
- 2nd Colloquium on "Ageing, Health and Citizenship" (28th October 2011)
- 2nd Meeting of Students of ALADEFE (17th to 22nd September 2011)
- 11th Ibero-American Conference on Nursing Education (19th to 23rd September 2011)
- 3rd Meeting of the International Day of Families (13th May 2011)
- 4th Entrepreneurship Forum ESEnfC (13th April 2011)
- 5th Meeting of the ESEnfC Student Association - Oncology from the perspective of Nursing (17th and 18th February 2011)
- 1st Meeting on Child Health and Pediatric Nursing (9th and 10th December 2010)
- Nursing: From Nightingale to today - 100 years "(8th to 12th November 2010)
- 1st Colloquium on "Ageing, Health and Citizenship" (28th October 2010)
- PEER 2010 - II Peer Education Summer School (30th September to 1st October 2010)
- Lecture Series with Professor John R. Cutcliffe (27th to 29th September 2010)
- International Conference on "Violence in Intimate Relationships - Using Health Paths" (17th to 19th May 2010)
- International Symposium on "Prevention and Control of Violence in Mental Health" (28th April 2010)
- 2nd Meeting on Medical-Surgical Nursing: "Caring in different contexts" (21st to 24th April 2010)
- 3rd Entrepreneurship Forum ESEnfC (13th April 2010)
- 2nd Conference on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-Speaking Countries (17th to 20th November 2009)
- National Forum of Nursing Students (12th and 13th November 2011)
- III Spring International Nursing Meeting (20th and 21st May 2010)
- IV Conference of Teaching Staff of the University Nursing Centers (26th and 27th February 2010)