SPU Maternal Health, Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing - Domains


Core(s) - areas of expertise, primary areas of attention and/or intervention in Nursing

Nursing intervention areas



 1. Parenting

- Transition to parenting
- Prenatal and postnatal bonding
- Grandparenthood
- Parenting education

Man, Woman, Family

- Ana Bela Caetano
- Rosa Moreira
- Julia Carvalho
- Isabel Mendes

 2. Sexuality and Sexual Health

- Life-cycle sexual development

- Human sexual response in adulthood
- Sexual dysfunctions
- Education for sexuality
- Sexual counseling
- Sexually transmitted diseases/HIV

Man, Woman, Couple, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older adult.

- Ana Poço
- Maria Neto
- Teresa Silva

 3. Reproductive Health

- Contraception and counseling
- Fertility promotion
- Preconception period
- Prenatal period
- Intrapartum period
- Postnatal period
- Termination of pregnancy/abortion

Man, Woman, Couple, Family
Embryo, Fetus, Newborn

- Teresa Silva
- Ana Bela Caetano
- Rosa Moreira
- Ana Poço
- Isabel Mendes
- Júlia Carvalho
- Cláudia Brás

 4. Women’s Health

- Women’s life-cycle transitions: adolescence, youth/adulthood and climacterium
- Health-disease transitions: genito-urinary and breast disorders

Man, Woman

- Ana Poço
- Maria Neto
- Ana Bela Caetano

 5. Gender and Health

- Social determinants of health
- Gender-related health problems
- Gender identities and differences in health-disease
- Gender equity in health
- Gender-based violence

Man, Woman

- Rosa Moreira
- Maria Neto
- Cláudia Brás

 6. Fetus/Newborn

 - Fetus/newborn development
- Adaptation to extrauterine life
- Newborn health problems

Fetus, Newborn

- Teresa Silva
- Julia Carvalho
- Cláudia Brás


Approved at the UCP meeting on 6/05/2020.